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Saturday, August 1, 2015

The real Alex Tsipras and his extremely wealthy sugar daddy!!!

Paul Tsipras is the rich father of Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece.  Paul Tsipras amassed his wealth as a contractor-civil engineer and soon became a tycoon who monolized govenrment projects during the exreme rightist Junta of George Papadopoulos in the '60s and '70s and whose family also had tights with the Nazis during WWII.  Paul Tsipras has a very friendly relationship with the Greek Otrhodox Archdiocese of Athens which even funded his "Skapaneus" Technical Company !!!  Paul Tsipras' connections go as far as to the people who control the waelthy Fund of the Monastery of the Virgin Mary οn Tinos Island, Greece.  This is the staunch atheist Extreme Leftist Prime Minister of Greece who pretends to be the Savior of the Working Class and the poor and the rebel who fights the ultra Capitalist bankers and political leaders of the Eurozone!!!  All the education Tsipras has is just...a bachelors in civil engineering and that's just because of what we call in counseling "foreclosure" that means he was influenced from his father's own vocation.  Besides that, Tsipras has never worked as a civil engineer.  In fact, he has no work experience at all!  All his epxerience comes from communist activism for ΚΝΕ Communist Youth Organziation and he was also a leading figure of the National Technical Univerity of Athens (engineering university) Student Govenrment Communist Club. As a matter of fact, he was a Communist activist since he was a High School as the President of the 15-member Committee of the HS Student Govenrment!  Those are his qualifications!  And here he is manipulating the entire Greece and showing off and provoking even the entire Europe!!!  How imbecile can his voters be and all those who support him around the wolrd??? (Greek)

Ο Αλέξης Τσίπρας, ο πάμπλουτος μπαμπάς και ο Παττακός… Βρείτε τις ομοιότητες! (Βίντεο)