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Thursday, August 6, 2015

"New Website Reveals Personal Information Even Google Can't Find": that's what they claim, but doesn't "reveals personal information" make it allegedly controvertial?


Hellenic Psyche's Critique:  Is Instant Checkmate a new website of finding useful information or an illegal or immoral Instant Snitch-mate openning a new can of worms or Pandora's Box in the times of the Big Brother and Globalization?

The following post comes from "the new website" itself that advertises itself like it was talking about a different site!  Don't be deceived.  They even invite you to look for yourself and search about somebody else.  That's the services the offer!  Spying on other people's personal lives.   No, it's not about criminal records only.  The author "Heidi R." keeps her identity almost anonymous.  Also, she insinuates that the content of her writing is objective as it is a based on a story she was told, as if she is not a part of the game, as if she not a contributing author and a vital member of that site!  This gives us a false sense of objectivity so you may take her article at face value and believe that it's not jsut an advertisement of the site itself and a first outreach to its prospective clients.  They brag that they offer you more data than google itself, but what does this tell you?  Even google doesn't really practice the most ethical business strategies.  Everytime you go on youtube, aren't you bombarded by ads and commercials, even pop-ups you never chose to listen to?  Isn't it very intrusive when you want to liste, let's say to opera and instead you hear hip-hop or you want to liste to rock and insted you listen music?  How does this feel?  Well, back to search engines, google gives you pics and writing that you have pposted at your own risk and sometimes it's slow or it gives you a lot ofm irrelevant staff.  That's boring and tiresome, especially if you desperately lokk for something and you can't find it.  The good thing is doesn't reveal more than you have posted or others have posted.  But google can also be very educative through google books, maps and so on.  What does this new site "Instant Checkmate" really has to offer? more that its name promises...  A nosy mate that instantly checks about others!  Of course that maycome with tons of other things that may not tell you...  That's hidden obligations!  Then, an avelanche of questions may make that  instant click away a little anxious and uneasy:  

Where do they really find all this info.  What is this info really about?  Are the methods of finding this info legal?  Are the subjects of that personal info aware of those services and that their personal info is out there on the web available to everyone who asks for it or who may accidently find about it?  Did that happened with their consent? After all, is that site legal?  Are any of these questions answered by them?  Do they really tell you anything on...mysterious "Heidi R."'s post?  You decide.  We could post the entire "enchilada", all the text as it is posted on that site, including comments and link to the search engine that will generate info for you.  However, we are here to inform you about this website, not to fish up clients for them or expose innocent commentators.  However, you have the choice of visit the site yourself by clicking on the reporduction link above.  Don't say, though that we didn't warn you.  That site may contain illegal info or even if it's not, it;s definitely a controvertial site that may attract people to addictive stalking and gossip that may ruin relationships and worsen or enhance bad habits and process addictions or addictive behaviors.

The rationale or morale or message, if you will, that "Hellenic Psyche"  wants to covey here is that after all-with no intention watsover to sound like a pendantic preacher or a conspiracy theorist or a Casandra prophesying omen sings-is that we live in the times of the Big Brother, but at a scale way larger and in a way far more complicated than Orson Welles' had envisioned it and warned about it...  It comes with the territory and that;s the Terra Incognita of the Age of Globalization.  Not a conspiracy theory at all.  Stay tuned and you will see in past and future posts how the pieces of the Jigsaw puzzle piece up together and give you a big picture of what is going on in this world in the 21 st century in the global arena and why it is so much important that never before to appreciate the most wise bits of wisdom ever delivered to us from the depths of our ancient heritage and srealize how many messages of the past have already warned us for the times that we live in...

as told to Heidi R.

Ever try Googling someone only to come up with basic information and maybe a link or two to an outdated social media profile? There's a new website going around that promises to reveal much more then just a simple google search can show you.
Been issued a speeding ticket? Failed to stop at a stop sign? What about your family members? And friends? If you are like most of us, the answer to at least one of those questions is “yes”—the vast majority of us have slipped up at least once or twice.
An innovative new websiteInstant Checkmate is now revealing the full “scoop” on millions of Americans.
Instant Checkmate aggregates hundreds of millions of publicly available criminal, traffic, and arrest records and posts them online so they can easily be searched by anyone. Members of the site can literally begin searching within seconds, and are able to check as many records as they like (think: friends, family, neighbors, etc. etc.).
Previously, if you wanted to research someone’s arrest records, you might have had to actually go in to a county court office—in the appropriate county—and formally request information on an individual. This process may have taken days or weeks, or the information might not have been available at all. With websites like Instant Checkmate, however, a background check takes just a few clicks of the mouse, and no more than a minute or two.
While preparing this article I decided to run a quick search on myself to give the service a real-world test. To my dismay, the search revealed several items I’d long forgotten—one of them being for the possession of a fake ID I was (embarrassingly) issued back in college when I was just 18 years old.
"possession of a fake ID I was (embarrassingly) issued back in college when I was just 18 years old"
After searching myself and finding those records, my curiosity was piqued, and I began researching family members—apparently my aunt Susanne isn’t a very good driver, judging by the numerous traffic citations that showed on her record.
One of the most interesting aspects of Instant Checkmate is that it shows not only criminal records, but also more general background information like court records, various types of licenses (medical, firearm, aviation, etc.), previous addresses, phone numbers, birthdates, estimated income levels and even satellite imagery of known addresses—it’s really pretty scary just how much information is in these reports.
In addition to giving information on the specific person you search for, the report also includes a scrolling list of “local sex offenders” for whatever region you’ve searched—along with a map plotting out the locations of those offenders. I started perusing the ones that showed up in my report, and I was absolutely blown away when I stumbled upon my junior high school wrestling coach’s mug shot.
"I was absolutely blown away when I stumbled upon my junior high school wrestling coach’s mug shot."
His crime was listed as "Out of state offense,"" so I wasn’t able to get the specifics (you usually can—this was an unusual case), but he was definitely a registered sex offender. Scary stuff.
I would definitely recommend this tool to friends and family. Anyone can start running background checks on Instant Checkmate within a few seconds—just click this link to get started.