Reproduction from AOL/Huffington Post.

Hellenic Psyche's Comment
Standard & Poor...are not poor at all! They are blood-sucking creditors and crooks themselves. So don't take their BS at face value. Greece is at the mercy of Europe. Not vice versa! Europe will not get poor or financially damaged if Greece exits the Eurozone. This is just propaganda to justify future disciplinary measures that will inflict Greece, far worse than capital controls at the Greek working class and middle class own expense. Those "analysts" are in fact social engineers! They do not really analyze or interpret or even predict anything. They just making it happen! How? By manipulating news, information, and statistical data. They shape economy and they influence the formation of international financial policy in collaboration with the IMF and the Eurozone leaders, as well as other international organizations, banks, financial institutes, and think tanks! They play a step-by-step strategic game for their own profit and their own agenda that may have a geostrategic, political, and profiteering context. That's how the stock market and the international monetary economy function. It's pretty much like gambling!
Greece cannot exit the Eurozone, because it will get a new currency that will be way worse than drachma, but even if it goes back to drachma debts will not be cancelled and it will have to be paid in drachma four times the value of Euro. The immature anarchist leader of the current Greek government avoids to take any responsibility on that and places all the responsibility to the Greek people by having them going through the hell of an unconstitutional Referendum tomorrow that even he is not exactly sure what it asks the Greek people to answer with only one word "yes" or "no"! We hope that after getting a "YES" result, he may keep his promise and resign. Let that be the first time he says the truth and keeps his promise...