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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Greeks reject demands for more austerity in key referendum

Reproduction from AOL/Huffington Post

Image for the news result

Hellenic Psyche's Comment
Greek Referrendum turns to be "NO".  All Greeks in the back of our head we definitely say "NO", but our logic and reason tell us "YES", as we are the craddle of Europe and we know that we have received a lot of money from Europe and we cannot afford the Grexit.  Debt will not be cancelled anyway whether "NO" or "YES".  Many people voted "NO" the last moment, as I found out from friends and relatives who voted and that is because they felt that media were launching too much propaganda for the "YES", because rich people are afraid that they may lose their money in the bank!  What we steadily believed in this blog was and still is one: this referrendum sucks!  It's a fiasko.  It's unconstitutional.  So it's not worth it to go and vote.  It is a tool that was used from Che Tsipra-Guevara and Dr. Baroufa(kis) (Varoufakis: "baroufa" means "nonsense" or to play the superheroes, place all the responsibility to the Greek people and then blame them for all negative consequences no matter what the voting result is!  How naive to celebrate a win with only winners the supporters of anarchists and neonazis!

It's sad to see Greeks fighting Greeks in the social media, the "NO" voters calling the "YES" voters German traitors and the "YES" voters calling them "red fascists".  Truth is the political parties that said "NO" range from red/leftist SYRIZA to blue/rightist ANEL to neonazi Golden Down!  So who's the German traitor? "YES" voters range from liberal POTAMI (literally..."river"!) party and socialist PASOK to NEW DEMOCRACY conservative/rightist party.  The Communist Party took no side and suggested to cast a spoil vote or a white vote.   Shultz already said that "NO" is negative for the negotiations, but it seems that even if it was a "YES", they just don't care, they would just be less insulting, but they would do whatever they need to do to keep blakcmailing Greece like all bloodsucking creditors do.  This referrendum is nothing more than Tsipras' strategic game to make New Democracy conservative/rightist president Antonis Samaras resign as it actually happened and strengthen his power by having the Greek people believing that he is a true rebel!  The "NO" voters think that they gave a message to Germany.  Well, obviously Schultz and his Germany did not receive that message, as this blog has already predicted.  They just don't care.  The only thing that happened with this "NO" is that Tsipras and Dr. Baroufa (king of nonsense verbalism) will stay, as they would resign only if it was a "YES".  And on the top, they will keep pretending to be the superheroes and saviors of Greece!  Those who are anti-nationalist and anti-patriotic!  Who think that the love for your country and religion are synonymous to fascism and racism!  Those who support the anarchists and the terrorists!  

Unfortunately, Greek people have not realized the truth.  Those who think that Tsipras is just a socialist they are totally wrong!  Tsipras is an anarchist and supporter of terrorism!  He is a self-proclaimed atheist and he should resign.  This blog does not support "YES" or "NO".  "YES" is not a solution either, but it also doesn't matter for the creditors and the Eurozone leaders or it matters very little.  They would prefer a "YES", but that would not make their policy more humane or lead to less austerity measures.  NO" will not lead us to the end of austerity measures or freedom or to a better future free of creditors and masonic anti-Greek globalization tyrrants either.  However, If "NO" is enough to keep SYRIZA anarchist political party in power then this referrendum means the defeat of Greek culture and Orthodox Christianity!  

This is the ballot for the Greek Referrendum.  It refers to two documents submitted by the 
Eurozone leaders that require more austerity measures and it asks from the Greek people 
to vote either for YES/approval or NO/disapproval.  The question is: which of the 
voters have ever read those two documents???