Personal Comment by Alex Colombos, CRC, MA, MPS, MA Ed
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor; Disability Scientist; Certified Teacher with experience in Teaching Biology and Earth Science
"Stephen Hawking says humans won't last for more than 1000 years..." Oh really? Do you need to be a physicist or a cosmologist to say that? The way people are acting on this poor planet and its fast rate show that it will really be a miracle if humanity lasts for over 100 years! Especially, since the world is ruled by greedy, attention-seeking materialists, reductionists and atheists like himself! Besides, Hawking has been too overrated, don't you think so? There are way better and more accomplished scientists and yet there are not that famous or constantly under the spotlight. It is rather unfair for low profile scientists with more accomplishments than him when this guy here has already refuted one of his theories that he was working on it for decades! Most of his fame comes from provoking religious people and especially Christians by saying that God tosses the dice and that everything happens in this world by accident! Then, it's definitely not an accident that this statement infuriated the Pope and for a good reason, though the Pope and papacy in general is another dark key player in this masonic game of globalization and overexploitation of humanity and the planet Earth.
It's really sad that instead of seeking empowerment through more meaningful ways such as philanthropy/charities, spirituality, and reaching out to the lay/non-scientific audience to promote a meaningful life, this guy chooses to reside in his ivory towers of academia and play God! Complex of inferiority and anger for being stuck on the scooter forever lead to ego defense mechanisms. Thus he displaces his anger and frustration for his situation to God (displacement). Then, he tries to prove that God doesn't exist in a socially acceptable way through "scientific" work (sublimation), thus intellectualizing his anger and frustration (intellectualization) and thus playing God believing that this way he empowers himself (omnipotence)! It's really sad and dangerous at the same time for the wrong messages that he passes to people with disabilities and especially the young ones that they need to become rocket scientists and play God to really overcome stigma and everyday problems or that they don't need God or people, just science and technology or that high IQ, high grades and hard work are all you need to overcome your problems and become successful, rich and famous, even though you have sacrificed all other areas of your life! However, neither his state-of-the-art holographic projection of himself in this recent presentation of his nor his high tech robotic scooter or super-wheelchair may bring him real happiness or improve the areas he really needs to work on. The worst weaknesses, challenges or burdens are not limited to ADL (Activities of Daily Life), such as how to open the door, navigate the campus, go to the bathroom, feed yourself independently, maintain a presentable house/doing the chores, speak or communicate. Those he has already overcome by having a lot of money and people to do things for him, though that still doesn't make him really independent, not to mention free time for recreation and socialization. However, there are other issues he hasn't dealt with successfully and those are finding meaning, love, and spiritual development. I really doubt he has found anyone of them. He doesn't even recognize the need for or even the reality of spiritual development. And yet the science he is supposed to serve is the one that speaks of quantum entanglement that we all relate to one another and to the universe and its source and cosmic energy that cannot be created or destroyed according to the second law of thermodynamics! I won't try to impress you with quotes from great philosophers or an ancient motto. Here is a humble quote from the lyrics of a song ("Invisible Man") by Stereo Nova, a Greek electronica band: "when you don't live your life you think of space".
Hawking chooses what to take from quantum physics just to prove his own wishful self-serving theory! Science ala cart in other words! Reductionism at its best! That is breaking down physical phenomena into smaller parts, studying them in a fashion of overspecialization and career-driven feudal academicism that comes up with authorities, norms and standardization of everything studied. Thus, anything outside the protocol of standards, operational definitions and standards of each and every academic clique of the elite is refuted as unorthodox and thus it doesn't exist, including the spiritual world, the supernatural or God or even holistic body/mind practices. By this token, "scientific" atheism has become the religion of these academicians, thus proving what Nietzsche said that atheism is a religion itself. Hardcore academicians and especially of the science arena accept nothing outside the framework of their guilds! In other words, it's like "it doesn't exist, because we say so!" Any flash back images of Galileo and Jean of Ark (Jean D' Ark)? That's the establishment and the intellectual dictatorship, mind prison, fanaticism and tyranny of academic fundamentalism! And Stephen Hawking is one of its most well-known representatives! So isn't this another egomaniac guru of pseudoscience or what?