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Friday, April 10, 2015

How Middle Easterners view Greek crisis? An interesting article suggesting that Greece should take advantage of its long presence in the Middle East and exit the Euro Zone, quit its European identity and join other Middle Eastern countries to form a Middle Eastern State or consortium of Middle Eastern States. There is no single answer to it, though. There are pros and cons in every direction Greece takes. That is because Greece has such a long and influential presence not only in Europe and the Middle East, but also in the Balkans, in the Mediterranean and...wherever Greeks have traveled, lived and flourished that is....almost everywhere! So the dilemma is really challening. Besides, Western creditors and white-collar criminals will not easily let Greece go like that. Opinions are always different and that makes the issue interesting and the debate fruitful.

Personal Comment to the article of the above link
Greece is the craddle of western civilization, but it’s also the craddle of many different civilizations, including those of the Balkans and the Mediterranean, whose eastern part is in the Middle East.  Since prehistory and later on in the First Greek Colonization (from the 8th century B.C. until the halfway the 7th century B.C), we colonized Asia Minor and Western Asia.  The Philistenes were Minoans from Crete who colonized the Palestine.  So it’s not an accident that Yasser Arafat called the Greeks brothers.  Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans interacted with the East as Alexander the Great did in his campaigns and we are not talking here about just the Middle East, but at far as in Central Asia.  Greek culture spread to the east in the Hellenistic and Roman times.  In the Byzantine Empire that was dominated by the Byzantine Greeks, Constantinople (today’s Istanbul in Turkey) was the capital and in the hearts of many modern Greeks it is still their capital and not Athens!  In the Middle Ages alone, Byzantine Greeks were active in the Middle East for 11th centuries, as the Byzantine Empire was in tis vast majority part of the Middle East though it extended to some parts of Italy (for certain period of time, though) and the Eastern Europe and the Balkans after conqueering and Christianizing those lands, but it also reached all the way to Persia in borderline of Middle East and Central Asia!  BAck then, Cathlolic Latin West were opposite to the Byzantine Empire which was Easgtern/Orthodox Christian and a major part of the Levant.

Yes, the article is right when it says that Israelis and all the Jews are sworn enemies of the Greeks and hate them.  They are behind the Historical Revisionism movement.  They are behind the geostrategic manipulation of the Balkans and Greece in order to control mineral resources and oil which are so abundant in the Aegean.  Read Torah and Talmud and you will see how much they hate the Greeks.  They are behind the international bankers trying to matterialize Henry Kissinger's zionist statements in a bussiness convention back in the '70s that in order to control oil in the East, US in alliance with the Jews need to control the ancient cultures that have been there for ever and most of them still survive as adherent to national and military values, including the Greeks and the Arabs.  So those have to be destroyed in terms of culture first.  That happens after bribing Greek politicians and intellectuals and thus, destroying Greek education, Greek Orthodox religion, Greek language, everything Greek!  It's not a conspiracy theory.  CIA, Mosad, Zionist groups and Henry Kissinger and his Aspen Insittute are behind all that.  George Washington had warned that the White House and the American society would be dominated one day by the Jews.  They were behind George Papadopoulos' Junta, then traitor Ioannides' second Junta and the 1974 tragedy in Cyprus that is still taking place!  They are behind Greece's crisis today, which is a financial crisis, but especially moral and intellectual or even existential and identity crisis!  They created the economic crisis as rich international bankers they are to control the world through globalization.  As the Bible and Quran have warned: an evil globalization empire is on the road.  They have bribed Greek traitors and traitors from every culture, especially in the East-West crossroads of geopolitical significance (i.e. mineral resources/oil) to materialize Kissinger's dream and world's nightmare to destroy education, culture, language, values, and religion.  We see this happening in Greece with all these neoliberal post-modern traitors.  

We have internal enemies who are way worse than the Turks or even the Jews.  So, yes, 19th century neoclassicism and romanticism have constructed this idealized construct of Classical ideal that suited the needs of Western Europeans who identified themselves with this false picture of Ancient Greece.  They somehow stole our Greek culture and identity, they misunderstood it, misinterpreted it, and distorted it!  Just like the cannibal tribes that deify a foreigner in captivity and then they dismember him and eat him!  The byproduct of their digestion of Greek culture is the disgusting social construct that they now teach about Greece in the school books everywhere ("Greeks stole everything from Africa and the East", Erasmic pronounciation of Greek, all Greeks are homosexuals since prehistory and many more bites of propaganda), especially in Europe and America and they now try to successfully place them in Greek schools and many post-modern neoliberal traitors support them in Greece!  They forgot that here in America, in the 20s we were considered nonwhite, they put signs in stores saying "Greek owned" just like what they did with the Jews, they manipulated IQ tests to prove we were stupid and many more!

Truth is we don't belong to any category and at the same time we belong to all of them: white and nonwhite (different than the Nordic people that is the WASP and the Western/Noerthern Europeans; modern anthoropology shows today that there is no such thing as the Caucasian or white race, and it's more than one race of ligh skin color), European and Middle Eastern, Balkan, Mediterranean, Christian, but at the same time a very different Chrisitanity based on ancient Greek philosophy, with a strong influence from Ancient Greek religion and culture and also shared culture and spirituality with the Slavs and the Eastern European/Balkan people, but we are also very different from them.  They are jealous of us and they stick together, because they are Slavs and we are not.  We all remember what happened when we Greeks were saying that Macedonia is Greek while Skopians/FYROMians were erecting numerous statues of Alexander the Great and neoclassical buildings knowing that Gligorov had already admitted in a slip of tongue that they are Slavs and thus, they appeared only aftwer the 6th century AD.  All Slavs were silent when Greece was fighting for its survival in the arena of national identity and what we Greeks call "National Issues" (Macedonian Issue, Northern Epirus Issue, Anatolian/Asia Minor Issue, Cypriot Issue, and all those issues created by imperialist neighbors who have seized our ancient lands and now they want more!).  However, when Clinton was bobmabarding the Balkans in the Spring of 1999, we were all outside the New York Times hand in hand with them protesting.  We always support them.  They know it and they say they appreciate it, but besides the words, when it comes to actions, it's more like us supporting them than them supporting us.  We didn't get much in rerutn and we didn't really ask much either. We Christianized the Slavs and we civilized them.  We love them, they are our spiritual and cultural kids and brothers at the same time, but they act sometimes, like teens who want to individuate and seek their own identity having often disputes about whether St Petersburg has surpassed Constantinople in glory (that's a hubris or blasphemy to say the least)...

We ought a lot to the Arabs for translating and copying works of Aristotle and other Greek writers, scientists and philosophers, thus preserving them and we have many cultural things in common with the Arabs, but we are not Muslims and Turkey will never stop hating us even if we form an alliance with the Middle East.  We are always allies of the Middle East anyway.  If, however, we form a state in the Middle East with other Middle Eastern countries, we would be pariahs and Plebians, or the ugly duckling, in other words, step-brothers being discriminated for being Christians, Europeans and Balkan people instead of Muslims and completly Eastern.  We would be the "black sheep" for being different in general. We get this type of discrimination from Germany and the Euro Zone, but in the Middle East, where religion is extremely crucial things for us would be even worse.  You already know what suffrerings and martydoms Syrian Christians go through...  Also, besides the internal problems of such a multinational Middle Eastern state formation, there will problems with America and Europe, because as turning officially to a Middle Eastern country, Greece would be next on the black list, and we would be bombarded just like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and so on.  We face some serious dead-end dilemmas in our diplomatic and geostrategic moves.  In other words, we are stuck between the rock and the hard place.

So we belong to ourselves.  But definitely we are more on the Eastern/Balkan/Middle Eastern/Arab side than the European/Western/Nordic/pro-Zionist side.  Forming a South Mediterranean group from Portogual and Spain (in the Western Mediterranean) to Egypt (in the Eastern Mediterranean) would be good, as someone who commented on the above link proposed, but Euro Zone creditors won't let us do it and I don't think those states would ever agree on a common line, because they have their own national agendas and they see more differences than similarities.  I hope that the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ that we expect this Easter/Holy Pascha to resurrect our hopes for peace and prosperity and bring a viable solution to the crisis our homeland is currently facing...