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Thursday, March 19, 2015

"Photo captures candid, heartbreaking moment after doctor loses a patient" by AOL/Huffington Post. We wish that all doctors were like that... Unfortunately, in most of the cases, they are not... It is pivotal that healthcare providers get back to the good old value system of the Hippocratic Oath, those values found in the Ancient Greek and Byzantine (Medieval Greek) Medicine: Beneficence (act always for the patient's benefit, not for money, career, following protocol, or bureaucracy/agency politics/insurance policy); Non-malevolence (if you can't cure, at least don't harm it); Autonomy (respect of indepedence and individual's informed choices); and Justice (objectivity, equality, respect for diversity) for all patients. The greatest value, as Protagoras would way is humanity, that is to be human and respect other people's dignity!
