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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Just another April's Fools prank was the mermaid-fish article: and their stupid prank that went viral. It was too early to make such a joke, though. It;s not April yet! We apogize to our readers for the stupidity of some pranksters: Mermaid cought in the nets of Greek fishermen in the waters of Charamida, in the area of Pyrgoi, Perama in Attica,Greece! The Port Authority was called. Until Coast Guard men arrived, fishermen were putting the mermaidback to the nets back in the sea so it could survive for the one more hour until it died. It was taken to the laboratories of the University of Aegean to be studied. It is a rare spieces of "gorgonopsaro" or "mermaid-fish". However, if you take a close look at the pictures, you may notice that it has more human features than fishy! It has the shape of a normal human, head and hands! Experts are trying to identify similar finds throughout the world. The scientific community is still shocked by the find and it seems that most of the folk lore, fairy tales and myths are based on rare true incidents... This information was published by on Tuesday, March, 2015 at 00:00. (in Greek)

Although, the "creature" in the pic rather looks like those made at n"Face Off", it was quite cedible, as you may note if you read the following article on mermaid folklore and krtptozoology: (In English: general info about mermaids in mythology, science, and kryptozoology)

ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΣΟΚ: Ψάρι – γοργόνα έπιασαν στα δίχτυα τους στους Πύργους Περάματος!