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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Are selected new Amphipolis' findings kept secret? Dr. Dorothy King, American archaeologist, stated that she is aware of new finds she calls "Alexander's horses" and insists that the Greek Ministry of Culture has not announced all the finds of Amphipolis! Unfortunately, Dr. King does not elaborate on those claims. However, recently Dr. Falklaris and Olga Sakali, the President of the Archaeological Association of Greece (union where many members are leftist and often write on the leftist, anti-national, anarchist newspaper "Down"/"Αυγή") insisted that information published about Amphipolis should be filtrated and scarce lest it is used for nationalist propaganda! This union is pressing for tighter security guard survailance around the excavation site, procuring the media from any news coverage of the ongoing excavation and dismissal of all theories that it could be the tomb of Alexander the Great or even any other famous historical figure! What is interesting is that those unionists, including the union's president, Olga Sakali, spend most of their time in leftist/anarchist anti-nationalist or even anti-patriotic activism than doing archaeological research and publishing in serious journals! They instead publish on leftist newspapers which call fascist anyone interested in Ancient Greek History or calling himself/helfself a Greek patriot! Dr. Olga Palagia, one of them, was too eager too call the tomb Roman, though it is well-known that she is a a close partner with Eugene Borza, Skopije archaeologist! It's even more shocking that 140 Greek archaeologists and professors of history and archaeology, some of them very famous names in the field, have signed a petition backing up Olga Palagia! After all that, what's really a conspiracy theory? Or is it rather some corrupted government officials following an anti-Greek agenda that aims to "burry" the importance of this archaeological discovery even before the tomb gets fully excavated?

Dr. Dorothy King

Ms. Olga Sakali's name is listed on the petition of 140 professors, archaeologists and historians signed in support to Olaga Palagia's propaganda that the Amphipolis Tomb is Roman saying that they didn't necessarily agree with her, but they stand by her as she was "harassed" and "censored" by the Greek government!  You can find the petition in Greek below published in a pro-leftist/anarchist website: