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Saturday, October 18, 2014

A strange church in the heart of New York City: St John's in Columbia Heights. Four years ago, part of my tours for a major tour guiding company was to show this church for only 5 minutes and continue on the tour bus to other sightseeings. I later on found out that many things were not mentioned in the script or in mainstream scholarly and tourist books and that the art of this church was not limited to Gothic Revival style modelled after the Chartres Cathedral in France and the dome structure in its back that reminded me of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. Few people know that every Halloween, people have a ritual-like show dressed in costumes INSIDE THE CHURCH (!!!) and before the altar as demons, ghosts, spirits, Satan, parody-costumes of satanic Bishops, monks, and priests holding caricature statues of Christ on the cross but with a scull instead of his head in a sense that they mock christianity. Also, if you take a close look at the sculture of the facade, you will notice something almost no one if us professional historians, history teachers, and tour guides may not. Caballa schematics of the life tree, the WTC towers and Brooklyn bridge falling and at 1:23 of the video you will see on the column the masonic symbol of the square and compass!!! I offer tours in NYC