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Friday, March 26, 2021

Celebrating the 200 years since the beginning of the Greek War of Independence of 1821 amid Turkish Propaganda and Greek Traitors: a psychopedagogical, psychohistorical, and psychoarchaeological perspective

Two hundred years have passed since the beginning of the Greek War of Independence and instead of celebrating this great anniversary, the Greek government chose to have an elitist closed-to-the public banquette inviting Prince, billionaires, and jet-set celebrities hosted by Yianna Aggelopoulou-Daskalaki, a tycoon and The banquette was peppered with speeches that speak in general about freedom and democracy but without mentioning who the Greeks fought in this war, who were allies, who were the heroes and what really happened in this war.  Because, after all, it was a war!  Iτ was a violent conflict between two nations.  And there is nothing wrong with having a war to defend your country!  

We live in times that war is a derogatory concept even if it's for the defense of the homeland, history, and values and for stopping fascism and even saving the Western world and humanity, in general, as it happened with all the great revolutions and wars for freedom and justice, as in the American Revolution and the Greek War of Independence.  So today, everyone talks about peace and condemns war (defined as man-to-man combat), but secretly launches multiple psychological, media, and hybrid warfare here and there.  And that's exactly what the imperialistic Turkish government is doing by bribing NGOs, the media, and even countries, including the Greek government, businessmen, media, and scholars themselves and disseminating false knowledge in an extraordinary and ferocious campaign of disinformation and propaganda, a disguised Jihad for sure!

Therefore, we need not only to study history based on solid and accurate sources and hard evidence but also the methods of historical interpretation, which goes beyond history.  It delves deeply into the inner motives, the psychological profiling of the heroes and the events, and those who read about them and interpret them.  In other words, to be able to read between the lines.  For this reason, I always like to employ a psychopedagogical, psychohistorical, and psychoarchaeological perspective.  From this perspective, we need to find the roots of this propaganda by digging deeper into this problem.  So one may ask: “If all that is Turkish propaganda, then why so many Greek scholars and Government officials, including Ministers of Education from past Greek governments to the present support the Turkish interpretation of history???” So here is my answer:¨There are a number of scholars and professors in Greece who are funded with grants, research funds, and even salaries by NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) and Turkish Universities, such as the Boğaziçi University and many others in order to promote historical revisionism and especially when it comes to the Greek War of Independence of 1821 (source 1).  Even Ministers of Greek Education from past governments and the present government follow this line thinking this compromising stance may promote peace.  However, the truth is there is much profit in such endeavors (source1).  

Renowned historian and prolific writer, the late Sarantos Kargakos, gave an interview to famous journalist Nikos Hatzinikolaou commenting on Greek TV channel SKY TV, which launched a documentary “1821, the Birth of a Nation”, replete with historical revisionism.  Kargakos names a list of Greek scholars and media, such as SKY TV, which are bribed by the Turkish government and NGOs.  There are even Turkish SKY TV board members! (source 1) Kargakos also speaks out in another video about the Turkish propaganda that has infiltrated the entire Greek society, including the government and education, as many textbooks in the schools of Greece, from elementary to high school and college, have used Turkish historiography following a revisionist perspective  (Source 2).  Retired Brigadier, Panayiotis Theodorakidis, who was trained by NATO and was a NATO high-ranked official, specializing in propaganda and psychological warfare, reported to TV talk show hosted by Paris Karvounopoulos that the Turkish government launches psychological operations, including funding Turkish TV series in Greece and making business with Greek media and the Greek government so that Turkish propaganda and historical revisionism are promoted (source 3).  In Greece, textbooks and media teach children and adults that the Ottoman times in Greece were times of exotic and peaceful co-existence while in Turkey, a popular TV series propagandizes that the Greek soldiers were killing Turks!  This is the Turkish Prime Minister’s favorite TV series!  He even attended in person the making of the series! (source 9). Both Greek textbooks and the SKY TV’s series “1821: the Birth of a Nation” convey the false revisionist message that Greece or Hellas was created in 1821 insinuating that there is no historical continuity between the ancient Greeks, the Byzantine Greeks,

and the modern Greeks! (source 7).  Also, in some revisionist Greek textbooks, there is no mention of the Greek heroes of 1821!  Kargakos believes that bribed Greek traitors, politicians, scholars, and media paragons alike, and the Turkish government pave the way to a new Ottoman Empire, as the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has envisioned (Source 7).  

Those Greek traitors  are many.  Some of them are the makers of the infamous documentary "1821, the Birth of a Nation", including historian/film historical consultant/professor of history Thanos Veremis, ELIAMEP, a social engineering  NGO which economically and politically relates to the wealthy and mighty political families of Rozakis and Mitsotakis (Kyriakos Mitsotakis is the current Prime Minsiter of Greece!), and the director/documentary filmmaker Petros Tatsopoulos, the maker of the infamous documentary , who also supported and promoted the idea that the Ototmans contrinuted to the economic development of the Greeks (who were actually slaves!) and they lived a life even better than today, that they had adopted an Ottoman lifestyle, just because of the entire family eating from a single big tray without utensils and they were using small and short furniture.  Tatsopoulos who is also the narrator of the documentary, continues that some Greeks used to wear the red cap/hat.  He didn't say, though, that those red caps were shorter than the original Turkish ones to remind them that they were lower than the Turks, second class citizens, and slaves!  (source 6). He carefuly insinuates that it would be a good chance to revive the Ottoman Empire again.  At least, that's the subliminal messages Tatsopoulos and Veremis convey in their infamous documentary (source 6).  They even dared to say that the Greeks revolted not for freedom, but for land!  They "forgot" all those heroes who gave away their property and land for freedom, selling their land and giving away the money to fund the war against the Turks!   Heroic women and men alike, Laskarina Bouboulina, Manto Mavrogenous, Konstantinos Kanaris, Nikitaras, Tzavelas, Markos Botsaris, and so many others,all died poor, giving away their land and property for the Greek war of Independence!  Nikitaras even ended up a beggar!   Veremis and Tatsopoulos and their boss,  ELIAMEP, didn't say that those changes happen by harsh oppression and in actuality Greeks were living a secret double life, running secret schools, and secretely practicing their customs and Christianity.  They say that Ottoman public documents don't refer to secret Greek schools!  Of course, they didn't!  Those who wrote those documents didn't know their existence!  Why?  But because they were secret!  The oppressed Greeks secretly used churches, monasteries, homes, even caves to secretly teach their kids and the teacher was usually a priest or a monk who taught them from Greek reading and writing and the Bible to Homer's Iliad and Odyssey! (source 6).  That still happens today in the case of modern secret Christians ("Crypto-Christians")  who even today pretend to be fully converted to Islam and to the Turkish identity, but they have a secret Greek or Armenian ethnic identity, speak Pontic Greek or Armenian and secretely practice Christianity), (source 7), because they are still oppressed, as in Potamia, Pontus (modern Turkey), the village of Erdogan's Greek ancestor!  (source 5). 

Erdogan’s great grandfather’s name was Memis Bakatoglou, a Pontic Greek, who was converted to Islam so that he can get hired by the Turkish government!  Erdogan today does his best to erase his greek identity.  Erdogan’s controversial and ambiguous behavior is a product of a complex of inferiority and cognitive dissonance (contradictory thoughts) as well as reaction formation (ego-defense mechanism of unconscious anxiety-reducing compromise by exaggerated oppositional tendencies to unconscious desires) going against his own roots by denying them, fighting them, and making anti-Greek insults, when journalists asked him about the Turkish researchers’ findings of his Greek identity (source 5).  Erdogan tried to convince everybody that he is a true Turk and a trustworthy patriot and pro-Muslim Turkish political leader, as he is completely delusional, full of megalomania and has a narcissistic personality! There is one of the myriads of youtube videos that documents solid evidence of Erdogan’s true identity and it reveals the reason he is so anti-Greek and funds all this Turkish propaganda! Turkish propaganda, which is not done only on the Battle of Tripolitsa, or the entire Peloponnese or the entire Grek War of Independence, but on each and every Greek-Turkish conflict in history! (source 5). This TV series, for instance about a more recent conflict, with attrotious events that have nothing to do with reality and there, is no proof for them (source 4).  There is even a Turkish political party (!) in Greece, which if it ever becomes a government that may even one day demarcate the unification of Greece with Turkey, as its long-term or final goal, a new Ottoman Empire in its making.  There is also the Turkish Consulate in Thrace, Greece, which bribes and pressures the primarily non-Turkish Muslim population to identify as Turkish.  Representatives of the Muslim Community complain about Turky and the Turkish Consulate of Thrace and state that they are not Turkish!  (Source 6).  Those two organizations (the Turkish Consulate of Thrace and the Turkish political party in Greece) and other similar Turkish organziations funded by the Turkish government coordinate the Turkish propaganda and they are responsible for the irrational cooked statistics/numbers and the surreal narratives of the Tripolitsa Battle and other events, which they exagerrate and turn into blood-dripping massacres and Genocides  with the help of bribed NGOs and their  unethical and corrupt politicians, "scholars" and media specialists.


It's a call of duty for all the Hellens to understand and realize what is going and get alerted and react to the challenges of our adversive times.  We all need to ask ourselves is this the way we dreamt  the anniversary of the 200 since the libearation ofthe Greek nation after 400 years of slavery? If that is not the worst case scenario, how bad do we want to be to get truly cocnerned and start asking for explanations and justice and restoration of historical truth!  It's up to us to mobilization mechanisms of bringing the traitors to justice based onthe Hellenic Constitution and the all the laws appying to National Hellenic issues and homeland defense as well as making clear to Turkey that such type of warfare will not be allowed.  All legal venues should be exhausted, including intenrational law, law of the sea, treaties, and so on.  However, we should not forget that we live in  trying the times of globalization, when al institutions, including justice have been swept by the elite of global oligarchs who control the world and are international bankers and technology monguls investing in healthcare and shape our reality and define our life quality and even length through manipulating health information and biological welfare pandemics.  That means we have to independently create cores of resistance and protest everywhere in the world.  That requires personal sacrifices.   


As the great hero of 1821, Papaflessas, a priest-warrior said, "the tree of freedom is watered by blood!  Our own blood of sacrifice for freedom!  For making our ancient ancestors rpoud!  If the Turks aim to take over Greece, then they may better officially declare war to Greece.  In Leonidas' own words: MOLON LAVE - ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ!!! COME AND TAKE OVER (if you dare!!!)  



. Sarantos Kargakos interviewed by Nikos HAtzinikolaou on his opinion on SKY TV’s “1821” revisionist documentary:

2. Historian Sarantos Kargakos speaks on the historical revisionism of 1821 and the Turkish propaganda in Greek education:

3. . Ret. Brigandiar Panos Theordorakidis talks on Turkish propaganda on hosted by Paris Kavounopoulos, strategic/military analyst:

4. Popular TV series in Turkey propagandizes that the Greek soldiers were killing Turks!  This is the Turkish Prime Minister’s favorite TV series!  He even attended in person the making of the series!

.  The Greek President of Turkey Erdogan:΄

6. George Tragas, journalist and founder /leader of the "Free People" Political Party in Greece speaks out on the Turkish propaganda: "The Ottomans are coming back!" (In Greek: Crush FM on 3/24/21): 

7.Crypto-Christians in modern Turkey: