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Sunday, September 11, 2016

9/11: WE DON'T FORGET!!!

Image result for WE DON'T FORGET 9/11

Today, 9/11, we commemorated st St Catherine's & St George's Greek Orthodox Church in Astoria, NY all the victims of 9/11 and the names of the 52 Greek-Americans who died that day were read, as it would be impossible to read all the names of so many people.  One of them was John Katsimatidis, 31, a relative of our St Catherine's Lambadarios (Left chanter/Head Chanter's Assistant) Yiannis Harofillis.  we cordially expressing our condolences to Yiannis Hartofillis, the Catsimatidis family and all the families of the victims of 9/11.  It's really heart-breaking that most of them were young people!  All of the victims of 9/11 were definitely too young to die and very unfortunate to die that day under those horrid circumstances!  May the memory of all those who died that day be eternal.  Amen.

Alex Colombos
Volunteering Reader/Chanter

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Joanne Marie Ahladiotis 27
Ernest Alifakos 43
Arlene T. Babakitis 47
Katherine Bantis 48
Peter Brennan 30
Thomas A. Damaskinos 33
Anthony Demas 61
Constantine (Gus) Economos 41
Michael J. Elferis 27
Ana Fosteris 58
Jimmy Grekiotis
Kenneth G. Grouzalis 56
Steven M. Hagis 31
Vasilios G. Haramis 56
Nicholas John 42
John Katsimatides 31
Danielle Kousoulis 29
Thomas Kuveikis 48
James Maounis 42
Philip William Mastrandrea, Jr 42
George Merkouris 35
Stilianos Mousouroulis—-
Peter C. Moutos 44
Nikos Papadopoulos/Papas 29
James N. Pappageorge 29
George Paris 33
Theodoros Pigis 60
Daphne Pouletsos 47
Richard N. Poulos 55
Stephen E. Poulos 45
Anthony Savas 72
Muriel Fay Siskopoulos 60
Timothy Patrick Soulas 35
Andrew Stergiopoulos 23
Michael C. Tarrou 38
Michael Theodoridis 32
William P. Tselepis 33
Jennifer Tzemis 26
Prokopios Paul Zois 46
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