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Friday, August 12, 2016

New York City Autism Speaks Walk 2016!!! Join us and spread the word!!!

Randall's Island

Saturday, September 10, 2016

2016 Walk News:

This year's Autism Speaks New York City Walk is confirmed for Saturday, September 10th on Randall's Island! We will be recombining Queens, Manhattan, Bronx and Brooklyn into the New York City Autism Speaks Walk!

Please note that our accessibility and transportation plan is available here. This includes information on public transit, walking, biking, taxi/car drop off and most importantly our free shuttle buses from Manhattan, Queens and the Bronx. Parking will not be widely available on Randall's Island and participants should not plan to drive. Stay tuned for area maps and the walk route next month!

Accessing Randall's Island

Your donation can be designated to a specific individual, team or event.

All walkers raising $150 or more will receive a commemorative T-shirt on Walk Day. We are happy to reserve one for you! Click here to see who has already earned a shirt this year.
