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Saturday, February 28, 2015

"Nein" μας λένε οι Γερμανοί φασίστες "ΟΧΙ" να τους πούμε και εμείς! Germans say "Nein" to Greeks, so Greeks should say "OXI" to them! Just like the "OXI DAY"!

The international community of journalists has agreed that "Bild, the well-known German "newspaper", has crossed over the line of journalism ethics and has acted more as a propaganda media tool than a newspaper.  Their campaign is to say "Nein" ("no") to Greece.  That's discrimination of ethnic orgins!  The don't want to lend Greece money, but they forgot that they were the ones who destroyed Greek economy when their Nazis were slaying entire Greek towns, burning crops and factories and destroying infrastructure.  On the top, they still refuse to compensate Greece for all those war crimes!  European Union powers, such as Germany are acting like they can control all the countries that belong to the Euro-group as slaves.  They keep small European countries smaller and have them depedened on their loans as blood-thirsty creditors do.  German power is growing too fast, acts as a globalization tyrant and ignores the US and the millions of Greek-Americans and Greeks all around Europe and the world.  They were boycotting the US for the wars in Iraq and other places of the Middle East, but now they are the ones who are bullying other countries.  So, let's then all boycott German products!!!  And not only that but we should teach the European white-collar criminals a lesson: US should desolve this gang of Euro-group and try them on an internation al court of law for their crimes!!!  Ας ακολουθήσουμε όλοι την παραίνεση του κορυφαίου πατριώτη δημοσιογράφου Κώστα Χαρδαβέλλα να πούμε και εμείς "Nein" στους Γερμανούς, όπως μας είπαν και αυτοί μποϊκοτάροντας τα γερμανικά προϊόντα!!!  (in Greek)

This is what German were doing against the US one year ago acting as "pacifist" and now they forgot that they are acting like bullies.  How hypocrites they are!  Let's boycott them!

Nein (όχι) και εμείς στα γερμανικά προϊόντα