The article of the above link is about the recent findings in the Tomb of Amphipolis in Greece. There are indications that the tomb may belong to Hephestion according to Architect Michael Lefatzis who has participated in the excavation. However, many Greek public archaeologists are against any relation of the tomb to a particular historical figure or anything of great historical significance, despite the epigraphic evidence (inscriptions found)! There is a lot of sinister politics going on as it seems that some Greek government employees play a game of covering up the true identity of such an important monument! According to the article, the reasons may be ideological and political even relating to anti-Greek, anti-national, globalist pressure from non-Greek key players, lobbies and organizations!
NOTE: The spelling and grammar of the article that appears once you click on the above link belong to George Rodakoglou, the author of the article on zougla. gr who obviously used the "google translate" online translation!